Mud Craft, Día de Muertos, Panteon San Antonio Tecomitl
San Antonio Tecomitl, Milpa Alta, Mexico City, 2013
September 19th – 27th, 2014
Space Invaders, Downtown Oshawa

Burial grounds as repositories of anthropologic history offer opportunities to explore the past. All cultures have developed death rites and grave decorations based on indigenous beliefs. The diverse people of Central & South America practice ancient rites that have evolved from blending both tribal and Christian (European conquest) folklore.
Mexican states celebrate Día de Muertos on November 2nd; this is the culmination of Halloween and the Roman Catholic cult of death worship, All Souls Day, November 1. Every state in Mexico produces art & craft particular to their own cultural traditions. Temporary altars everywhere commemorate the dead and always the central motif is the human skeleton.
The Panteon San Antonio Tecomitl has usual Dia de Muertos celebration and unique cemetery art. Families build up graves with mud shaping elaborate displays that commemorate the life of the deceased. Prizes are awarded for the best creations. The mud grave sculptures will wash away with the first rainfall and then the plans will start for the next year